Travel Management Company Vs. The Internet

woman watching a plane in airplane when talking at phone and holding a luggage

2.5min read

Published 17 April 2023


Is it time for you to ditch booking your business travel via the internet and reap the benefits of a travel management company? You may be thinking, ‘why would I use a travel management company (TMC) when I can book everything myself online?’. It’s a great question and one that’s not easily answered, as it all depends on the amount of travel your company does per year. 

If you had just one or two employees flying to Sydney or Melbourne twice a year, then perhaps you could just book online yourself. However, if it’s more than that and you’re looking to save time, stress and money without sacrificing the comfort of your travellers, then a Flight Centre Business Travel dedicated Travel Manager might just be the answer for you!

So, what are the key differences between a TMC and booking online?

End-to-end travel management

women talking with smile
women talking with smile
women talking with smile

Putting an itinerary together alone is time consuming. In fact, it was found that pre-covid, it can take up to 32 visits to 10 different websites just to book an airline ticket. Fast forward to 2023 and booking travel has become even more complicated in terms of credits due, T&Cs, travel restrictions and entry requirements. And booking travel is just one of the six stages of business travel, with each stage just as important as the next. 

Here at Flight Centre Business Travel, we’re your one-stop-shop for all your corporate travel needs. Your dedicated Travel Manager can secure the best rates across flights, hotels, car hire and more. Plus, we keep your travellers’ preferences on file to maximise loyalty programs and access exclusive SME benefits (competitive rates, lounge access and free upgrades anyone?), all whilst ensuring each booking adheres to company policy.

We’ll even reduce the time you spend reconciling and reporting on your travel accounts by 50%! The secret? Consolidating your travel program equals full visibility over your travel spend, more control and zero surprises.

Dedicated 24/7 support

people working in call centre with smiles
people working in call centre with smiles
people working in call centre with smiles

Every one-in-three corporate trips has changes, whether an Executive needs to get back home earlier for a meeting, conference or family time, or they decide to reschedule at the last minute.

A TMC is so important for companies with corporate travel because it provides one contact to help with booking and changes. Not only that, but with Flight Centre Business Travel, you can call our 24/7 support line where you can speak to someone locally who can make any last-minute changes to your travel, whether it be unexpected changes, missed connections or lost travel documents. Office hours or after hours, we’re just a phone call away, 24/7/365.

Corporate rates

woman corporate Travel Flight Happy
woman corporate Travel Flight Happy
woman corporate Travel Flight Happy

Thanks to the Flight Centre Travel Group network across the globe, we have access to great corporate rates. When we analyse your business, we look at where your travellers are staying and approach corporate rates with hotels for the company. This makes it easy for your travellers and the hotel gets to know them and their preferences! 

Need help with your business travel arrangements?  

Our Travel Managers are dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable. When you work with a Flight Centre Business Travel Manager you’re choosing peace of mind. Direct access to the same person, who gets your business – and its travel needs – inside and out. 

Streamlined payment process

Credit Card Payment
Credit Card Payment
Credit Card Payment

A TMC can work with you to determine the easiest and most cost-efficient way for your business to pay for travel.

There are quite a few solutions and options available at Flight Centre Business Travel, it depends on what you want to achieve and your payment processes. One option that may be suitable for eligible customers is an FCBT invoice account, which helps to streamline payments with cyclical invoicing and removes the need to pay merchant fees. 

Duty of care

men and woman talking on the escalator in the airport with smiles
men and woman talking on the escalator in the airport with smiles
men and woman talking on the escalator in the airport with smiles

A TMC helps companies maintain their duty of care to their travellers. Flight Centre Business Travel has an instant database to access in the event of an emergency or cancellation. Your business can then find out where all staff are at any time and track their whereabouts.  

No matter how small, every travel program should have clear processes and guidelines in place when it comes to duty of care and risk management. 

Reporting and data

Man presentation Data
Man presentation Data
Man presentation Data

A huge benefit of using a TMC is data. At Flight Centre Business Travel, we can analyse your business over a half-yearly period and provide recommendations on how you can better manage your travel.

This advice could range from cost savings to how long you're booking in advance. If the majority of travel is with one airline, we can recommend airline loyalty programs or benefits of consolidating with an airline. We look at all your corporate travel and look at reducing business costs without compromising the comfort of your travellers.  

Is it time you said goodbye to D.I.Y and hello to effortless corporate travel management with Flight Centre Business Travel?

Get in touch today or call us on 1300 797 826

Flight Centre

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© Flight Centre Travel Group Limited. ATIA Accreditation No. A10412.

*Travel restrictions & conditions apply. Review any specific conditions stated and our general terms at Terms and Conditions. Prices & taxes are correct as at the date of publication & are subject to availability and change without notice. Prices quoted are on sale until the dates specified unless otherwise stated or sold out prior. Prices are per person.