You can book your flights to Perth online today using the above search box, or enquire about one of the following Perth airfares using the enquiry form below.
Choose from our range of Perth holiday packages below that each include your flights, accommodation, and often special bonuses like tours and free upgrades. If you can't find the package you're looking for, contact one of our friendly consultants on 133 133 and don't forget to ask about customising a package to suit your needs.
package_name | Holiday Packages |
Perth PackagesStay Perth & Discover Rottnest Island |
Return from
4 nights
Perth PackagesPan Pacific Perth With Swan River Wine Cruise |
Return from
4 nights
Perth PackagesPerth Stay With Ampol State Of Origin 2025 - Game 2 |
Return from
3 nights
Perth PackagesPerth City, Nature & Culture |
Return from
4 nights