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Where to stay in Alaska
Where to stay in Alaska
Alaska is split into five regions, each with its own unique appeal: the Inside Passage, Southcentral, Interior, Arctic and Southwest. Got your sights set on glaciers, fjords and views of the Pacific Ocean? Then the Inside Passage (also known as the Southeast) is for you. Southcentral is home to the city of Anchorage, one of the main tourist hubs with an array of options when it comes to daytime activities, along with excellent nightlife and entertainment. Keen to steer clear of crowds? Aim for the Arctic region (also known as the Far North) and its sprawling tundra vegetation. The Interior is the literal heart of this state and home to its tallest peak, Denali, as well as a rich diversity of wildlife. Finally, the Southwest is a great base for both history buffs and nature lovers.
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